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Joseph Waters

Avant Garde

upc# 6 11226 00092 9

Duration: 68 min.

Price: $14.95

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(streaming excerpts)

 [ 1 ]   Arabesque  (piano solo) LISTEN
 [ 2 ]   When the Clouds So Boldly
          Painted On the Sky
  (koto & electronics)
 [ 3 ]   Sulphur-Crested Cockatoos  (SATB and wind sextet) LISTEN
 [ 4 ]   Drum Ride  (piano & electronics) LISTEN
 [ 5 ]   Quiet Music - Early Morning  (string trio) LISTEN
 [ 6 ]   The Garden of Kali  (digital electronics) LISTEN
 [ 7 ]   The Populist Manifesto  (soprano & mixed chamber

About the Music

Susan Dewitt Smith, piano

When the Clouds So Boldly Painted On the Sky
Koto and Electronics
Liz Falconer, koto

Sulpher-Crested Cockatoos
text: Ian Keene
LeaAnne DenBeste, soprano; Sue Hale, mezzo soprano
Scott Tuomi, tenor; Craig Kingsbury, bass
Nancy Teskey, flute; Allen Juza, english horn
Betsy Hornick, clarinet; David Becker, bassoon
Kevin Calvert, horn, Jim O'Banion, trumpet

Drum Ride
Susan Dewitt Smith, piano
Joseph Waters, digital electroacoustics

Quiet Music - Early Morning
Ron Blessinger, violin; Brian Quincy, viola
Plil Hansen, 'cello

The Garden of Kali
Joseph Waters, digital electroacoustics

The Populist Manifesto
text: Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Brenda Baker, soprano; Gernot Blume, accordion
Tom Bergeron, saxophone; John Hubbard, 'cello;
Julie Spencer, percussion

Of his music, Joseph Waters writes, "I have always been interested in writing music that connects with people and yet pushes boundaries. The question raised by music in the 20th century is how far can you push boundaries without losing the ability to connect with your audience. In my music I work at bridging this gap. I am also fascinated by style and am drawn to explore the musical languages of the past and present as well as the far reaches of the globe, thus my works have a very eclectic range of surfaces."

"Joseph Waters' music speaks directly to listeners...stimulating theatrical, chromatic, often songful, frequently fast and exotically colored." -- David Stabler (The Oregonian)

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