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Robin Chilstrom



upc# 6 11226 19992 0

Duration: 36 min.

Price: $14.95

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Song Memory of my Ancestors -- a mythical story told in improvisational song, about a people who lost and then regained the joys and beauty of life. Robin Chilstrom is a musician of remarkable voice and intuition. This, her first CD, is richly textured through studio multi-tracking and digital processing by Barbara Bernstein who also contributes on viola and percussion -- remarkable indeed!

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mp3 (32kbps) audio
(streaming excerpts)

[ 1 ]   Apomayopo  (Coming Together) LISTEN
[ 2 ]   Papa Nya  (Which Way?) LISTEN
[ 3 ]   Kulayo  (Glyphs) LISTEN
[ 4 ]   Beyo Meh  (Listen) LISTEN
[ 5 ]   Obeyo  (Remember) LISTEN
[ 6 ]   Anaya  (Prophecy) LISTEN
[ 7 ]   Ababa Roshe  (Rocks for Eyes) LISTEN
[ 8 ]   Leya Leya  (The Gathering) LISTEN
[ 9 ]    O Maya  (In My Heart) LISTEN
[10]   Te Mayu  (Prayer) LISTEN
[11]   Ah Layo  (New World) LISTEN
[12]   Houna Medah  (Young Mother) LISTEN
[13]   O Pano Mana  (In Time) LISTEN
[14]   Hunna Yani  (Dream World) LISTEN

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