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Dave Leslie
Mike Curtis

upc# 6 36360 00012 3

Duration: 54 min.

Price: $14.95

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Notes & Reviews

Dave Leslie, piano, and Mike Curtis, winds, team up on a reflective musical journey through the Balkans, Paris, New Orleans and points west.

"The compositions lie at the heart of this session. They are unfailingly intriguing and carefully crafted..."
-- David Dupont (Cadence)

"...enjoyable collection...Very talented work. Recommended." -- Chris Lunn (Victory Review)

"...nicely accomplishes its mission of taking us on a journey through a divergent musical menu...very worthwhile listening."
-- George Fendel (Jazz Scene)

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(streaming excerpts)

[ 1 ]   The Cedars LISTEN
[ 2 ]   Path LISTEN
[ 3 ]   Dervish LISTEN
[ 4 ]   Janusz LISTEN
[ 5 ]   Esteban y Clara LISTEN
[ 6 ]   Louie and the Mirror LISTEN
[ 7 ]   Herons LISTEN
[ 8 ]   Monsieur LaPlace Sinks the Rowboat LISTEN
[ 9 ]   Home LISTEN
[10]   Miso LISTEN
[11]   Your Eyes the Moonlight LISTEN
[12]   Take It Off LISTEN
[13]   Fifth World LISTEN
[14]   In Repose LISTEN
[15]   Vostok LISTEN
[16]   The Man in the Bathtub LISTEN
[17]   The Ride LISTEN
[18]   Yankl's Tants LISTEN