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Spirit of the Lake

Kurt Barkdull

New Age

upc# 6 59057 74522 0

Duration: 53 min.

Price: $14.95

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Kurt Barkdull

Kurt Barkdull offers a debut album of ten tracks, spilling over with percussive spice, sweet, cleverly worked out melodies and orchestrations of electroacoustic and world sounds as bright as the light of the rising sun off the great expanse of Lake Erie -- Kurt's central image around which the disc revolves.

An effort of broad scope and detailed realization.

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(streaming excerpts)

[ 1 ]  Rhythm of the Waves LISTEN
[ 2 ]  Island Breeze LISTEN
[ 3 ]  Prelude to the Sun LISTEN
[ 4 ]  Spirit of the Lake LISTEN
[ 5 ]  Bay Awakening LISTEN
[ 6 ]  Ancient Passage LISTEN
[ 7 ]  Dancing With the Dawn LISTEN
[ 8 ]  Soul of the Storm LISTEN
[ 9 ]  Swirling Sands LISTEN
[10]  Cascading Moon LISTEN

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