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North Pacific Music ~ PO BOX 82627 ~ Portland, OR ~ USA 97282-0627
tel: 503.233.0512 ~ NPM@NorthPacificMusic.com
sole prop. Jackie T. Gabel

go to: North Pacific Music Home Page

would never call
our catalogue overly ec-
lectic, but to abate confusion,
simply think of a circle; beginning
with the WORLD--the largest circle we
know. Catalogue titles move gradually a-
round to what is commonly called CLASSIC-
(as in Occidental, i.e. the Euro-American leg-
acy)...extending to the AVANT GARDE and on
into JAZZ, where we come full circle with the
final offering poised on a somewhat arbitra-
ry cusp with the new WORLD age. We've
posted signs along the way -- for what
they're worth. The music, of course,
speaks for itself, as do we here
at North Pacific Music,
and doubtless do
you too.