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Rosanna Weinberger

Classical / Avant garde
viola, piano &

upc# 6 11226 00032 5

Duration: 64 min.

Price: $14.95

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Notes & Reviews

Rosanna Weinberger, violist, and pianist Evelyne Luest team up and tear into some very meaty chamber music with high artistic ferocity and tender passion: Rochberg's "Sonata for Viola and Piano," Enescu's "Concertpiece for viola & piano," Noland's "Romance for viola & piano," Steinke's "Santa Fe Trail Echoes" for viola solo and Gabel's "Hellenic Triptych" for solo viola & digital electro-acoustics.

"...romantic... ambitious..." -- Brett Campbell (Eugene Weekly)

"A throwback to the time before gimmicky programming, "Passion" is for the diehard contemporary music lover... a new vitality to the Rochberg sonata." In Enescu's 1906 "Concertpiece" "...exquisite tone... Double stops flow effortlessly. Its finale flashes right out of a Victorian salon...Noland's selection will pacify the most frustrated person." In Steinke's "Santa Fe Trail Echoes," "...at her most impressive...her virtuosic tricks... intensity hold the piece together. Gabel's "Hellenic Triptych"...epitomizes imagination and courage in programming...wonderfully eclectic...beautifully rendered..."
-- Eleonora M. Beck (Sforzando)

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mp3 (32kbps) audio
(streaming excerpts)

Sonata for Viola and Piano [George Rochberg]  
    [ 1 ]  Allegro Moderato LISTEN
    [ 2 ]  Adagio Lamentoso LISTEN
    [ 3 ]  Fantasia: Epilogue LISTEN
Concertpiece for Viola and Piano [G. Enesco]  
    [ 4 ]  Assez anime, Anime LISTEN
Romance for Viola and Piano [Gary Noland]  
    [ 5 ]  Andante Cantabile LISTEN
Santa Fe Trail Echoes [Greg A. Steinke]
(Image Music VIII) for Viola Solo
    [ 6 ]  Round Mound LISTEN
    [ 7 ]  Dorsey Mansion LISTEN
    [ 8 ]  Bent's Old Fort LISTEN
Hellenic Triptych [Jackie T. Gabel]
(for Processed Viola & Digital electroacoustics)
    [ 9 ]  Hera's Wrath LISTEN
    [10]  Nemesis' Pleasure LISTEN
    [11]  Echo's Farewell LISTEN

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