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Peter Thomas

New World Age
Solo guitar

upc# 6 11226 19942 5

Duration: 66 min.

Price: $14.95

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About Peter Thomas

Peter Thomas' debut CD is a solid collection of works, performed solo, on classical guitar, dating from the 12th Century (Bernart du Ventadour), the 15th C. (Francesco da Milano), the 16th C. (Luis Milan, Luis de Narvaez, Enrique de Valderabano & Alonso de Mudarra), the 17th C. (John Dowland), the 18th C. (Leopold Weiss) and the 20th C. (Francis Poulenc), plus several of Peter's original works.

"...bold and fluid...strong, deft and sure...a gorgeous tapestry of musical delights and wonders."
 -- Fred Crafts (KUGN-FM Critic-at-Large)

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(streaming excerpts)

[ 1 ]  Fantasy in dm  [Silvius Leopold Weiss] LISTEN
[ 2 ]  Hand Hollow  [Peter Thomas] LISTEN
[ 3 ]  Startides  [Peter Thomas] LISTEN
[ 4 ]  The Lonely Mountain  [Peter Thomas] LISTEN
[ 5 ]  Ben M'an Perdut  [Bernart du Ventadour] LISTEN
[ 6 ]  Fantasia (1st mov.)  [Francesco da Milano] LISTEN
[ 7 ]  Fantasia (2nd mov.)  [Francesco da Milano] LISTEN
[ 8 ]  Fantasia (3rd mov.)  [Francesco da Milano] LISTEN
[ 9 ]  Forlorn Hope Fancy  [John Dowland] LISTEN
[10]  Prelude #1  [Peter Thomas] LISTEN
[11]  Pleiades  [Peter Thomas] LISTEN
[12]  Rondo Developments  [Peter Thomas] LISTEN
[13]  Pavan #2  [Luis Milan] LISTEN
[14]  Diferencias por un otre parte  [Luis de Narvaez] LISTEN
[15]  Soneto  [Enrique de Valderabano] LISTEN
[16]  Fantasia  [Alonso de Mudarra] LISTEN
[17]  Venus  [Peter Thomas] LISTEN
[18]  The Calling  [Peter Thomas] LISTEN
[19]  Elegy  [Peter Thomas] LISTEN
[20]  Sarabande  [Francis Poulenc] LISTEN